Full Newspaper Note, CSL Editor Help Needed

Short summary: I need a new style that will force the Chicago 17 (notes) style to display the full note for all newspaper references at all instances.

I am working on a book manuscript that uses a lot of newspapers. We are using Chicago 17 notes and bibliography. We need to use the Chicago 17 "Notes" format (ie short form notes) for everything other than newspapers, but we need the full note to appear for every newspaper source every time it appears.

I know that I need to create a new Style, and that I need to copy whatever it is that controls full notes for newspapers from the Chicago 17 (full note) to an edited version of Chicago 17 (note). However, I really have no idea what I am doing. I can't read th CSL code well enough to see what controls newspaper short notes. (I know how to do it in Endnote, but that is no help.) I'm sure that if you know what you are doing it is a very easy change.

Could someone tell me what I need to change? Or would someone be willing to create the new style for me? I'm happy to offer some compensation.

Short summary: I need a new style that will force the Chicago 17 (notes) style to display the full note for all newspaper references at all instances.
  • Full note for newspapers even in "ibid" position (i.e. when the style would usually just print the author name), yes?
  • Yes, exactly. But the Chicago 17 (notes) prints the short note for everything (ie author and short title but no publisher for a book). That is great for everything else since we have a bibliography, but we need the full note for all newspapers.

    “Buddha.” Rangoon Gazette. February 13, 1892. (full note)
    comes out
    "Buddha" (shortened note)
    in shortened style. It is pretty confusing and unhelpful. We need the full thing every time.

  • edited January 15, 2019
    In the Chicago Note Bibliography style you will find a <citation> element. This controls how citations will be rendered. The relevant section is in the<layout> node; the <choose> element makes the rendering conditional upon the position of the current citation: The <if> element sets up the rendering if the current citation is the same as the one before, the <else> element defines all other cases. To get what you want you will need to add another element under <choose>:
    <else-if> if you want to use the ibid mechanism for newspaper articles. If not: change the current <if> element to <else-if> and add a new <if> element directly under <choose>.

    In Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note) the following code renders the first citation of every item:

    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=": ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="contributors-note"/>
    <text macro="title-note"/>
    <text macro="issue-map-graphic"/>
    <text macro="description-note"/>
    <text macro="secondary-contributors-note"/>
    <text macro="container-title-note"/>
    <text macro="container-contributors-note"/>
    <text macro="locators-note-join-with-space"/>
    <text macro="locators-note-join-with-comma"/>
    <text macro="collection-title"/>
    <text macro="issue-note-join-with-comma"/>
    <text macro="issue-note-join-with-space"/>
    <text macro="locators-newspaper"/>
    <text macro="point-locators-join-with-comma"/>
    <text macro="point-locators-join-with-colon"/>
    <text macro="access-note"/>

    You will probably not need the whole thing, but adding this to your <else-if> element should do what you want.

    The structure of your code should look like this:

    <if ...>
    new code for newspaper articles
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