Transferring Citations from Word to Markdown

edited January 11, 2019
Hello! I have downloaded Zotero and the BetterLaTex add-on.citations inside Word, and I love using Zotero.I usually use Microsoft Word with Zotero add-on instruction and the simple point-and-click process works well. I have to leave the Word Document and switch to RMarkdown, which uses BibLaTex instead.

I wrote my paper in two pieces, one in Pandoc's Markdown and the other in Microsoft Word. I realize now (I wished I realized it before) that Markdown can handle the equations and citations. I think Markdown can handle BibTex or BetterBibTex citations, by writing citations as [@ key], where the key is either BibTex or BetterBibTex. I found BetterBibTex to be true, but I am having trouble with BibTex keys (see below). I now wish to combine the different parts.

For instance, I wrote this in Markdown when citing this paper
"Let’s cite a document [@czarnotaAssessmentWeightedQuantile2015], this key is Better_BibTex file and is citation key in Zotero. Exporting as a BetterBibTex bib file, I was able to correctly cite using Markdown.

But this key is different than the BibTex key generated in Word style ( Generic BibTex Style) [@Czarnota_Gennings_Wheeler_2015]. The bibTex generic key is Czarnota_Gennings_Wheeler_2015. But the key in the BibTex references found is czarnota_assessment_2015, which was obtained by exporting from the Zotero library using BibTex.

Using the Generic BibTex Style of Microsoft Word, I am able to generate BibTex keys for my citations, but has the form like "czarnota_assessment_2015" -- is there any citation style that adds the "[@" and "]" so that the BibTex Style would match Pandoc's
[@czarnota_assessment_2015] ?

Perhaps the most disconcerting is that the BibTex keys don't match-up in the citation and bibliography files. Why would that be the case?

At the end of day, are there any suggestions on how to take my complete Zotero citations in my Word Document and convert it to the citation style used in Pandoc, which is in the form [@ key]? The key could be BibTex or BetterBibTex format, but needs to be consistent in the citation and what is exported from Zotero.
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