ID du rapport: 184374518

Je viens de créer un groupe privé afin de partager une collection, et lors de la synchronisation, on m'indique "File editing denied for group"... Quelqu'un a une solution?


Anthony Grégoire
  • Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that produces this?
  • Actually, I don't know why but it seems to be ok now... I do not have any comment nor problem when I try to sync me library. I will comme back again if the problem reappear...
    Thank you!
  • I am getting the same error at this time with the Report ID 1232480346.

    Thanks, Mitch
  • I restarted Zotero to enable the Debug so I could get a Debug ID, and now the sync just spun (saying one item to sync.) After a few minutes I hit stop. It spun a long time before stopping...

    Then I clicked sync again and it appears to be working? Anyway, thanks for all your help on this. ;)
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