Wishlist : find full text PDF *link*
A relatively new addition to Zotero is the "Find full text PDF" facility, which proves very useful (even if it ignores, for obvious reasons, the largest source of PDFs of scientific papers... ;-).
Problem : I can't afford to store on the Zotero server the ca. 14 000 papers I have in my various collections and shared collections. Storing an URI is *much* cheaper in volume.
My current workaround (attach the paper, grab its URI, attach that URI and trash the paper) is a bit too much of a chore to be acceptable...
Hence my question : is there a way to parameter this utility to have it add a *link* to a full text PDF *without storing the paper itself* ? If not, would it be a large work to add this option ?
Problem : I can't afford to store on the Zotero server the ca. 14 000 papers I have in my various collections and shared collections. Storing an URI is *much* cheaper in volume.
My current workaround (attach the paper, grab its URI, attach that URI and trash the paper) is a bit too much of a chore to be acceptable...
Hence my question : is there a way to parameter this utility to have it add a *link* to a full text PDF *without storing the paper itself* ? If not, would it be a large work to add this option ?
> Added import option to choose between storing and linking files
in the changelog for 5.0.60
But I have been unable to find this option. Perusing the advanced config options was unhelpful...
@bwiernik : I often (but not always) want to store links not in existing URL or DOI fields (hints : private repertories, ResearchGate, Scholar, and other raven droppings...).
The new feature in 5.0.61 is for allowing local links to files instead of storing files in Zotero when importing, e.g. from an RIS file, so that's only very tangentially related to your request.