Import notes into OpenOffice as quotes

I currently store quotes that I type from books as notes, along with the page number.

Would be fantastic if there was a separate field for page number in the notes.

The real benefit of this would then to be able to import the quote/note from zotero into OpenOffice, and it add the citation with page number automatically.

Another way of looking at it would simply be to import a note and add the page number like happens with reference insertion. However, in reality, you'd want to store the page number when adding the note rather than when inserting it, in which case you may as well grab it from a separate field for the insertion.

Love Zotero - it's the platform I'm using for my PhD. Many thanks.
  • Please search the forums. This has been discussed before. Suffice to say, I generally agree with you, except for the "separate field for the page number" (there are better ways to do this in my view).
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