IEEE translator can only extract abbreviated author names

edited December 25, 2018
Export from IEEExplore web site (for example: ) using firefox toolbar would result a record in Zotero with author names like this:
Author: U. Khurana
Author: A. Deshpande

However, it seems the website has provide the authors' full names (which is what I want). Like below:

Author: Udayan Khurana
Author: Amol Deshpande

Can you confirm this? And what could I do to fix this translator? (I know some JS but I don't find a place to modify this translator)

PS: export from acm digital library has no problem, so it may not be a setting issue.
  • What Zotero does is to use the "download citation" option that IEEE offers and import that content. IEEE just includes author initials there.

    I'd worry that scraping the authors from the page itself is going to be too fragile to be useful, though we could look into it. Really, though, IEEE should fix this on their end; there's no reason for them to provide incomplete citation information. Feel free to contact them.
  • Thanks @adamsmith . I've submit the problem to IEEE through their issue system.

    But I wonder if there is a way can I modify existing translators in my zotero?
  • Yes, if you know some javascript, that's not too hard: they're all individual javascript files in the "translators" folder in the Zotero data directory:

    See for more
  • Thanks @adamsmith ~ I'd like to wait IEEE's response (to the problem) first. It's good if they can fix their exported format directly.
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