Feature Request/Modification - Place cursor at end of citation
After a citation is added on Microsoft Word, is it possible to have the cursor placed at the end of the citation?
Currently the cursor remains where it was prior to the citation being added, which means it ends up at the beginning of the citation. I realize in the grand scheme this is just to save milliseconds of time and add some convenience, but, for me, that seemed like a good enough reason to request the adjustment.
Currently the cursor remains where it was prior to the citation being added, which means it ends up at the beginning of the citation. I realize in the grand scheme this is just to save milliseconds of time and add some convenience, but, for me, that seemed like a good enough reason to request the adjustment.
adomasvenWhat version of Word are you using (e.g. 16.21)
simile007Word 365 version 16.20 on Mac 10.14.2