Cannot import new style from local drive
After much fruitless searching I found this thread 'using the "extra" field to add more info. (Citation count)'
and, follwing the instructions at the end of the post, I have successfully added a minor tweak to a CSL file, adding the "Extra" field at the end of every entry. It works correctly in the "style editor" window.
I saved the style with a unique new name, validated it using csl validator, but after clicking on the + button and selecting the new file, it does not show up in the Zotero style list. I tried this repeatedly and then duplicated the process (error) on a second computer... after opening the file, I am returned to the "Style Manager" window ...but no sign of my new style. Is it hiding somewhere?
My simple style is here
(all I did was add the one line of code at the very end)
[If I can master this, my next question is: how I can move my "extra" (i.e. "notes") field to the first position in the bibliography so that I can more easily do a sort outside of Zotero?]
Thank you!
Yoel Kahn
and, follwing the instructions at the end of the post, I have successfully added a minor tweak to a CSL file, adding the "Extra" field at the end of every entry. It works correctly in the "style editor" window.
I saved the style with a unique new name, validated it using csl validator, but after clicking on the + button and selecting the new file, it does not show up in the Zotero style list. I tried this repeatedly and then duplicated the process (error) on a second computer... after opening the file, I am returned to the "Style Manager" window ...but no sign of my new style. Is it hiding somewhere?
My simple style is here
(all I did was add the one line of code at the very end)
[If I can master this, my next question is: how I can move my "extra" (i.e. "notes") field to the first position in the bibliography so that I can more easily do a sort outside of Zotero?]
Thank you!
Yoel Kahn
In the unlikely event that anyone else runs into this problem, I will explain what I've now learned...
I was in fact uploading each time I tried; however, while using the "save as..." button in Styles manager can save the file under a new file name (xxx.csl) this does not have any connection to the name that appears in Zotero styles manager; that is controlled by the style ID (as explained above) and needs to be edited in the Styles Manager editing window.