Style Request: Giappichelli (italian)

edited December 20, 2018
Reference description:

In-text citation:
J. L. CAMPBELL-O. K. PEDERSEN, The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, in Comparative Political Studies, n. 40, 3, 2007, pp. 307–332.
I. MARES, Firms and the welfare state: when, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in Varieties of capitalism: The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 183–212.

J. L. CAMPBELL-O. K. PEDERSEN, The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, in Comparative Political Studies, n. 40, 3, 2007, pp. 307–332.
I. MARES, Firms and the welfare state: when, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in Varieties of capitalism: The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 183–212.

paper link:
  • editors of edited books are not listed for chapters?
  • sorry I've not understood your question
  • For the Mares chapter, you didn’t list the editor of the book. Was that correct?
  • edited December 20, 2018
    Sorry, it was a mistake. I've updated the post with editor and place of edition. Thank you
  • Logged, but will take a good while.
  • Thank you! Don't worry, there's no rush.
  • edited December 29, 2018
    I'm afraid 7 days ain't "a good while", especially for note styles.
    See here for the current backlog.
    I do however expedite custom styles against payment.
  • Sorry! I didn't want to press you, just asking. In the meanwhile, I've checked a similar style in Zotero Style Repository: it's Mimesis Edizioni (Italian). Maybe it's useful.
  • edited February 1, 2019
    I had a go at making the style. You can download it here:
    Let us know if anything needs fixing:
  • edited February 3, 2019
    Thank you @damnation! The style is quite perfect! I've found some things to fix:
    1. In the article of a journal, the name of the journal should be in italic
    2. In chapter's book, the author's name of the book should be in CAPS
    3. Only for the footnote: The names of co-authors should be divided by "-" (ex. J. L. CAMPBELL-O. K. PEDERSEN).
    Probably, I can try to fix it with the CSL editor. If I won't succeed, I'll tell you.
    Thanks once more.

  • edited February 4, 2019
    Let us know and then I'd be great to also submit those fixes to the repository, so they're available for everyone.
  • Hi, in this style I noticed something to fix, too. I'm sorry, I would not be able to properly modify the script in CSL editor. How could I notify these problems to someone it may concearn?

    Some terms are written in French (or English) instead of Italian, for example:
    - for the field accessed ow a web page etc., "page consultée le" (fr) should be "pagina consultata il"
    or "consultato il" or "consultata il" or "ultima consultazione il" (it);
    - for editor and translator, should be not "dir. & trans." but "ed. e tad." (it);
    - for URL/sources something is retrived form, should be not "repéré" (fr) but something like "disponibile a" or "reperibile su" (it);
    - the term name from, should be not "de" (fr) but "da" or "in" (it);
    - the expression used as "presented at", should not be "communication présentée au" (fr) but "presentato a" (it) or the feminine version "presentata a" (please, note that also the preposition "a" may be changed in "al" or "alla" according to the word who follows it);
    (These are the Italian translations - I don't know how the exact phrases printed in Giappichelli's books are wrtten).
    Note: Mimesis style has the same problem.

    Moreover, referencig to pages of a book etc., instead of "pp." we normally use:
    - "p." followed by only one page (ex. "p. 8");
    - "p. [number] ss." referring to a long section (ex. "p. 8 ss." means "page 8 and following pages" where 8 is the starting page of a chapter) - that's largely used.

    And we use a comma between place of publication and issued date (ex. "Milano, 2012").

    Finally, the last problems listed by @a.dinisi are still not solved... (I'm sorry, I'm not sure about n. 3 would be corrected that way...)

    Thanks very much to anyone who would help!
  • @monykat
    Can you link me to the style guidelines? The old URL doesn't work anymore. Then I can have a look.
  • edited September 18, 2020
    I found only a page related to a specialized magazine published by G. Giappichelli: Here you can find this guidelines: These guidelines are very short. I suppose you need to be formally recognised as a writer to receive giudelines from the publisher.
    I found also this:

    I proposed the above translations both having a look at some books I bought by this publisher and as I am a native Italian speaker (and a French speaker). I'm sorry, I can't help more than that.

    (As for Mimesis Editore, here is the guidelines document:
  • This style is hard to fix as there is just no public guidelines. If you'd like this style to be of better quality, please ask the journal to upload guidelines to their website or at least it would be good to get them sent.

    I have fixed some of the issues that were due to the hardcoded french bits from the template style I had used.
    But without guidelines I have to guess about the other issues.
  • Thank you for what you have done!
    I'll wait for better guidelines.
  • Hi everyone,

    I am really new to Zotero (I had been working with Citavi until now) and I am having some problems changing a citation style. I have taken as a basis "Giappichelli", that is very close to what I need, and made a few changes to adapt it to my preferred style.

    Still I am not been able to solve to issues, so I would be very happy if anyone could help me with them.

    1) Can I have the Authors cited differently in the footnotes and in the bibliography? I need N. Lastname in the footnotes and Lastname N. in the bibliography. How can I do that? In general I have not really been able to work not simultaneously on both kind of citations.

    2) If I cite more works from the same author in the same footnote one after the other, the name of the author is omitted apart from the first citation. How can I change that? I need a particular text (Id.) instead of the author's name from the second citation.

    I hope that I was clear. I could also upload my citation style, but it is not really much different from the one you find already online.

  • 1) Generally yes, of course; the way that particular style is put together, it's just going to be a bit more involved. Essentially what you'll need to do is copy the author macro and rename the copy to "author-note" (or something along those lines). Then point to that macro from within citation.
    Within the original macro (which is now only used in the bibliography), you'd then use name-as-sort-order="all" (and sort-separator=" ") to get Lastname N.

    2) That can't be done programmatically. I think you can do it by using suppress author and adding id. individually in the word processor add-on.
  • Hello everybody,
    I've encountered an issue using the Giappichelli style.
    If I want to insert a citation in the text and add the page number to the citation, the page number is not displayed in the document.
    Is there a way to fix this issue?
    I'm using Zotero and LibreOffice Writer.
    Thank you very much for your help.
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