Quick-install of extensions and preferences


In my working group we're always using zutilo plus zotfile plus some specific hidden preferences.

Is it possible to configure zotero (e.g. with a shell script) to move certain extensions and hidden preferences "into place"?

  • All of this information is stored in the Zotero profile directory https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/profile_directory

    You can copy the whole contents of the profile folder, or just the prefs.js file and the extension folders.
  • Great, that's very helpful!
  • @bwiernik I'd just like to follow-up on this. I spent considerable time the other day, talking an overseas colleague through the Zotero installation + ZotFile (interrupted by a few power cuts). It's a process that normally would take 5 mins, but given a poor connection, slow bandwidth and power cuts took us about 45 mins.

    Do you think it would be feasible to create installation scripts that offers preconfigured Zotero? I could do this for OS X, but wouldn't know how to do this for Windows.
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