Now that direct import without 2nd application is broken, let's have faster Zotero import via IDs

I'm sad to see the direct browser integration of Zotero broken but I realize that this was Firefox's doing. Now that direct import without 2nd application is broken, let's have faster import from within zotero via the PubMed ID (PMID) and DOI. It's no longer a huge advantage to first navigate to the PubMed website prior to import. Many pages include the article IDs but are not great for import. It would be better to have a direct ID import function in zotero to make the import process a little faster again. Keyboard shortcut to activate zotero import, copy paste ID, hit enter, voila: article imported. Also, an article search directly from zotero would be great.
  • With the Zutilo plugin, you can add a keyboard shortcut to Add by Identifiet. Personally, I still find it much faster to use the browser button.
  • I'm a bit confused by all of this. @suckale, what exactly are you asking for?

    First, changing from Zotero for Firefox to the standalone Zotero doesn't really have any effect on the speed of saving from a particular site. In either case you're just going to the site in your browser and clicking the save button. The button just happens to be provided by a separate browser extension now, but that doesn't really have any bearing on how long it takes to save.
    It would be better to have a direct ID import function in zotero to make the import process a little faster again.
    Surely you're aware of Add Item by Identifier, which supports DOIs and PMIDs, yes? That's existed forever. Are you just asking for a keyboard shortcut to focus it?
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