WebDAV syncing and group file storage
Will syncing your files via WebDAV sync your group files as well? I've had some success accessing files in synced groups, so that makes me wonder if my unlimited storage using WebDAV (which uses my institution's Box account) somehow is allowing me access. But I'm working with a research group where not all the files can be accessed by the rest of the group.
adamsmithno, groups can only use files storage. Your files are likely syncing to your free Zotero storage (also, be aware that box.com's webDAV support is going away at the end of January)
efilgoWait, what? Oh dear, that's pretty much how most people on campus file sync...
efilgoI asked for Zotero institutional storage for Christmas - hopefully the budget folks will smile upon me...
adamsmithHere's the announcement https://community.box.com/t5/Box-Product-News/Deprecation-WebDAV-Support/ba-p/55684