If only the year published is available then year to appear in parentheses

Hi everyone,

The Human Rights Law Review requires reports that only have the year of publication to appear in parentheses. If a full date of publication is available that is to appear in full.

I'm having trouble making this display correctly.

In the 'date-parenthesis (macro)' I've added 'else-if report' and made it conditional. If the date issued is uncertain then, in the date node, the date-parts displays the year with prefix '(' and suffix ')'.

However, for reports with only the year published, the year appears without the parenthesis, just like the reports with a full date published.

Both seem to be governed by the other conditional statement in the 'date-parenthesis (macro)', which states that 'else-if none of the following statements are met > the date issued is uncertain' > date node > date-parts = year-month-day, with no prefix or suffix.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

  • CSL does not currently allow conditionals/checking for particular date parts, only the date as a whole. The same applies when you would want to show/repeat the full date at the end of a manuscript or presentation (for example) but only if more than the year is provided (rather than just duplicating it from the beginning of the citation after the author's name).
    You will have to edit these manually. The only other way to do it would be to "flag" it with another unrelated variable (manually in the Zotero entry, including via the "extra" field) and then use that as the trigger for your conditional style.
  • I recommend you switch to Juris-M, a version of Zotero with much expanded legal citation support, including for things like this requirement.
  • Thank you very much @djross3 and @bwiernik for your replies.

    Yes, I'll be switching to Juris-M after this project.

    Thank you again.
  • You can switch during this project, too, without risk. Juris-M will make a copy of your Zotero library (and leave the original database untouched) and is compatible with existing Zotero documents.
  • Is it also backwards compatible so you can switch back without issue?
    (I've thought about trying Juris-M too.)
  • Yes. Your original database is untouched so you can always switch back. You can also sync an account that has been used with Juris-M with the regular Zotero program to get your modified database back into Zotero (all of the additional data Juris-M adds will be stored in the Extra field [in a notably ugly format]).

    For your work, Juris-M would be really helpful for the multilingual features.
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