Updating style for Culture, Health & Secuality - changing disambiguation and initials
I would like to update the Zotero style for the journal Culture, Health & Sexuality (the one available dates from 2014), in particular remove disambiguation in citations and replace the first name by its initial in the reference. Here is an example of how a reference should be:
Bankole, A., A. Biddlecom, G. Guiella, S. Singh, and E. Zulu. 2007. “Sexual Behavior, Knowledge and Information Sources of Very Young Adolescents in Four Sub-Saharan African Countries.” African Journal of Reproductive Health 11 (3): 28–43.
Basson, R. 1998. “Sexual Health of Women with Disabilities.” CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal 159 (4): 359–262.
I have downloaded the Zotero style for this journal and installed in the app. However, I am unable to open it in the Style Editor, as it appears in the list of styles installed, but when I click on Style Editor, it does not appear. Moreover, I know how to change citation disambiguation in citations thanks to the instructions in Editing CSL Styles - Step-by-Step Guide, as I have done it before, but I don't know how to replace first names by initials in references. Any help or instruction would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Bankole, A., A. Biddlecom, G. Guiella, S. Singh, and E. Zulu. 2007. “Sexual Behavior, Knowledge and Information Sources of Very Young Adolescents in Four Sub-Saharan African Countries.” African Journal of Reproductive Health 11 (3): 28–43.
Basson, R. 1998. “Sexual Health of Women with Disabilities.” CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal 159 (4): 359–262.
I have downloaded the Zotero style for this journal and installed in the app. However, I am unable to open it in the Style Editor, as it appears in the list of styles installed, but when I click on Style Editor, it does not appear. Moreover, I know how to change citation disambiguation in citations thanks to the instructions in Editing CSL Styles - Step-by-Step Guide, as I have done it before, but I don't know how to replace first names by initials in references. Any help or instruction would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
That reflects what I'm seeing in the author instructions as well. Disambiguation is explicitly mentioned and full names are in the bibliography.
If you want a modified version for personal use, modify the T&F style and rename it. To change author firstnames to initials, use initialize-with=". " in the line starting with <name for authors.