Zotero in Ubuntu 16.04 not launching from launchbar icon

I'm using Lubuntu (LXDE) Ubuntu 16.04. I believe I followed exactly the instructions in the installation of the Zotero Standalone, but the icon in the launchbar (under the Office subgroup) will not launch Zotero.

I did some fiddling trying to get things work, but I don't think I caused any additional issues. I have no way I know of to clean things back to the original state.

I'm hoping someone can see the problem and advise me on the fix.

The shortcut in that Office subgroup (Zotero icon) has these properties:
File: zotero.desktop
Name: Zotero
Target file: /home/dahlia/.local/share/applications/zotero.desktop
File type: desktop configuration file
Command: bash -c "$(dirname $(readlink -f %k))/zotero -url %U"

If I go to /home/dahlia/.local/share/applications and look at the file there, it has these properties:
File: zotero.desktop
Name: Zotero
Location: /home/dahlia/.local/share/applications
Target file: /home/dahlia/Zotero_linux-x86_64/zotero.desktop
File type: desktop configuration file
Command: bash -c "$(dirname $(readlink -f %k))/zotero -url %U"

Strangely, in my /home/dahlia I have two Zotero folders: Zotero_linux-x86_64 and Zotero. The "Zotero" folder has only a sqllite file and three folders. If in the Zotero_linux-x86_64 I run the zotero shell script, Zotero launches.

The code part of that script is:
ulimit -n 4096

CALLDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
"$CALLDIR/zotero-bin" -app "$CALLDIR/application.ini" $*

I do not believe Zotero is in my PATH, nor am I sure if I need to put it there, or how to do it.
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