Zotero Extension prevents Google Docs Download in Safari

Respected Zotero Team,

The Zotero extension prevents Google Docs download in Safari. When the extension is installed, the Google Doc cannot be downloaded in .docx or other form. Thank you for helping us with this issue.
  • Can you explain exactly what's happening?

    To clarify, when you're editing a document with Zotero citations in Google Docs, the Zotero Connector will warn you if you try to download that document, because the document will still contain active placeholder links that shouldn't be included in a version you share with others. But the warning is just a dialog that explains that you should make a copy. If you really want to download the file with the placeholder links, you can still do so. (The "Download Anyway" button didn't work in an earlier version of the Connector, but that's been fixed.)
  • Oh, wait, sorry, you're using Safari, which has an older version of the Zotero Connector. Google Docs support in that version is outdated and doesn't contain the latest fixes (which is why it's disabled by default and marked as experimental in the preferences), including a fix for that function. We'll be pushing out a new version, but due to recent changes by Apple, there can be a long delay before Apple approves updates and we won't be able to release further updates after the end of this year, so we're making sure we have a stable version before doing so.

    In any case, for the reasons I explain above, you generally don't want to download the version with Zotero citations. Make a copy of the document in Google Docs, unlink citations in the copy, and download that version instead.
  • Thank you dstillman for your help. I have tried to make a copy of the document, unlink citations in the copy, and download that version, but still can't. It seems that the Zotero Connector stopped the download also.
  • It seems all the popup menus by Zotero are prevented in Safari, so i can't unlink citations in the copy, and the Google Doc freezes.
  • In Chrome all work perfectly fine.
  • @bbbear2002 How did you get zotero to work with google docs in safari. It only works in firefox fore me.
  • @baongobui: As I note above, Google Docs support in the current Zotero Connector for Safari is outdated, disabled by default, and still marked as experimental. An updated version for Safari with proper support will be available soon.
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