Citation Undefined after Update and .doc Duplication

Report ID 1517162588

Zotero continues to give me an error message that "citation is undefined". I have the most recent update of zotero, and I have made duplicate documents and tried to debug the document.

Once working in the duplicated document I added a citation and it worked, hooray, I move on thinking I've debugged it, but when I added a new citation I got the same error message again. I also tried using field modes and it also didn't work.
  • Sorry about that. We'll look into this, but have you tried simply restarting Zotero?
  • I have, simply restarting it made no change to the error message. When I switch the citation style, and then go back to the original style, it *sometimes* works. So I'm basically just struggling through it right now.
  • OK. @adomasven will have to look into this.
  • Could you produce a Debug ID from Zotero?

    1. In the Zotero Help menu, go to Debug Output Logging and select Enable.
    2. Attempt to insert a citation in the document, wait for the error dialog to show up and click "OK",
    3. Before doing anything else, return to Help → Debug Output Logging and click Submit Output, which will disable logging and submit the output to A window should pop up containing a Debug ID. Click “Copy to Clipboard” and paste the Debug ID into this forum thread.
  • I'm having the same issue. The ID for my issue is as follows: D1544021943
  • Which version of Word are you using (like 16.20)? Try reinstalling the Zotero Word plugin from Zotero Preferences -> Cite -> Word Processors and see whether it works better in a new document.
  • re-installed Zotero in and restarted the comp, which fixed it.
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