Zotero and connector not working?


I just downloaded Zotero and the Chrome extension on Windows 10 and am having trouble. Clicking save to Zotero doesn't actually save a website, right clicking the icon to save doesn't save it, ctrl shift s doesn't save it. I can't manually import PDFs (it seems that is not a supported format, which I don't understand since that's the only format many articles are available in?). Am I doing something wrong, or does this extension just not work for websites and pdfs?
  • If saving isn't working, see Troubleshooting Translator Errors — it's likely either a misunderstanding or a conflict with something on your computer, because this of course just works for most people.

    If you want to add a PDF to Zotero directly, you can just drag it into Zotero or use "Store Copy of File…" from the + menu in the Zotero toolbar. (Unless it's an existing PDF that you already have on your computer, saving from the article page in your browser is recommended, though.)
  • Hi, thanks for the reply!

    I'm not really understanding what a Translator is, but nothing in the list seemed to work. I can save the Zotero page but none of my tabs that have any websites with articles.

    I have tried to drag things into Zotero, but it just takes it out of one window and leaves the item alone in its own browser window. Is there a specific way to do this? Adding a pdf from the toolbar seems to only be possible if it's already saved onto my computer, since when I click on it, it goes to my file storage. How can I save it from the article page in this case?

    Everything is up to date since I just installed today. I obtained a debug
    ID https://puu.sh/BZH8U/95333beb05.png for this URL https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4406779/
    If I hover over the grey icon or click it says Save to Zotero (Web Page with Snapshot) but doesn't seem to actually save it.
  • That's D1495383646 for the debug ID (it's really unfortunate copy&paste doesn't work for that on Chrome; no way to fix that, I assume?)
    I have tried to drag things into Zotero, but it just takes it out of one window and leaves the item alone in its own browser window.
    This kind of sounds like you're trying to interact with Zotero online, though? When we say "drag to Zotero" we're referring to the locally installed software, not sure if that was clear.
  • Sorry, thank you! I'm not great with new software unfortunately, or extensions.

    Yes I am having trouble with the connector not saving websites but separately I've not been able to drag something into the local software either. I can add something from my stored files and that's about it so far
  • Sorry for the delay. There doesn't appear to be a save attempt in that Debug ID. We'd want one that includes switching to the tab, reloading the page, and then trying to save unsuccessfully.

    (One thing I'd note: if you just installed the Zotero Connector, you wouldn't be able to save existing tabs without reloading them.)
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