Stuck on "Loading items..." Report ID: 1765989369
Zotero standalone hasn't loaded my library for a few days, despite being on. I read that data directories in cloud storage could corrupt the library, so I copied the Zotero folder. Not sure if I need a completely new folder if the corruption is present. It didn't work. Neither did uninstalling and reinstalling the standalone software.
Report ID is 1765989369
Zotero standalone hasn't loaded my library for a few days, despite being on. I read that data directories in cloud storage could corrupt the library, so I copied the Zotero folder. Not sure if I need a completely new folder if the corruption is present. It didn't work. Neither did uninstalling and reinstalling the standalone software.
Report ID is 1765989369
I tried the manual method with SQLite, even placing the sqlite3.exe file in the same folder as the zotero.sqlite data directory (as described here: ( The data directory was copied outside of the Google Drive cloud. Although a dump.sql file is created, it either has 0 or 1 KB size. Additionally, the command line never completes the run, so I have to restart the shell to get a new line. When I write in the new file, a SQLite syntax error occurs and the file has no data (0 KB).
Any suggestions? The sqlite3.exe file was downloaded from the 32 bit tool bundle.