Importing from EndNote X7 - attachments and URLs
I am importing items in to Zotero that were exported from EndNote X7 (7.2.1) as XML and Author-Date. I followed instructions at
1. Can I tell Zotero to ignore attachments or not make the effort to use the path and pull the attachments (almost all are PDF)? Currently, Zotero is using the path to the PDF files and attaching the PDF to the imported item in Zotero. I did *not* place the exported XML in the EndNote data directory as suggested in #3 of the KB. I saved the XML on my local harddrive while the EndNote PDFs are on a network drive.
2. I noticed many attached URL/links and deleted them. I believe this was an example of the issue reported at For future imports I will replace all "related-urls" with "web-urls" as suggested by @gloriousflower. Can this be added to the KB or maybe the importer can be updated to auto-correct this?
1. Can I tell Zotero to ignore attachments or not make the effort to use the path and pull the attachments (almost all are PDF)? Currently, Zotero is using the path to the PDF files and attaching the PDF to the imported item in Zotero. I did *not* place the exported XML in the EndNote data directory as suggested in #3 of the KB. I saved the XML on my local harddrive while the EndNote PDFs are on a network drive.
2. I noticed many attached URL/links and deleted them. I believe this was an example of the issue reported at For future imports I will replace all "related-urls" with "web-urls" as suggested by @gloriousflower. Can this be added to the KB or maybe the importer can be updated to auto-correct this?