Sorry, not following. Could you explain a bit more what you're trying to do? E.g. I'm not clear what you mean by "the reference page" and what sorts of errors you want to make.
After I complete my paper, zotero list a reference page that reflects my intext citations. My teacher is unable to make changes to it. The teacher is able to detect that the reference list was generated from a software. My teacher suggested I try a different company like mendeley because the reference list can be exported as a normal document and not highlighted. However, I want to know if I have the same capabilities within zotero to remove the highlight on the reference list so that it can be edited.
Before submitting the paper to your teacher, make a copy of it and use the plugin's Unlink Citations button, which will convert the citations and bibliography to plain text. Then submit that version.
Keep the original document in case you need to make changes in Zotero and resubmit.
(All similar programs work the same way, using Word fields, so this isn't specific to Zotero.)
Keep the original document in case you need to make changes in Zotero and resubmit.
(All similar programs work the same way, using Word fields, so this isn't specific to Zotero.)