Error on importing from *.bib-File

Hi all,
I tried to import various entries from a *.bib-File, but received an error. The assigned number is 1702633979. Will now give it a second try...
Second try done. What I forogt to mention is that the Download-Screen in FF pops up, asking me where I want to save the file. Could i attach this file, as the error may be due to some mistakes in it?
  • Try opening the file in a text editor, copying the first record out, pasting it into a new text file, saving it as a .bib file, and importing that single record. If it works there is probably an issue with a single, or a few records in the list. If it fails please post that individual record here in the forums.
  • Just tried that, doesn't work. Is there any restriction regarding the encoding? Currently I'm using UTF-8.
  • edited June 11, 2009
    The encoding is probably fine (Zotero-produced files are UTF-8 w/BOM by default). Can you import BibTeX files that Zotero exports? Can you give an example of the single record that failed?
  • Yes, "re"-importing files works flawlessly. One of the failing records looks like this:
    title = {Duden, die deutsche Rechtschreibung},
    year = {2006},
    author = {Wissenschaftlicher Rat der Dudenredaktion},
    address = {Mannheim}

    Quite normal, isn't it?
  • What I forogt to mention is that the Download-Screen in FF pops up, asking me where I want to save the file.
  • For me the linked solution works. Sadly, I had entered the dozen entries or so manually in the meantime, but now at least I know what to do in case it happens again. Thanks!
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