Word plugin malfunction

I just installed v5.0.57 this morning on a computer running Windows 10 and Word 2016 for a demonstration. During the demonstration, Zotero's Word plugin did not correctly display citations and bibliographies. What was added to the document was some sort of encoded stuff in curly brackets { } that seemed to point to my selected citation, but didn't format it according to the selected style. Nothing seemed to remedy this - I tried Refresh in the Word plugin; I tried changing the output style. Given that this was a live demo, it was a little embarrassing.

Back on my own laptop (also running Win10 and Word 2016), I still have v5.0.56 installed. I am successfully able to use the Word plugin to add properly formatted citations and bibliographies.

I scanned recent forum posts but was unable to locate something like this being discussed elsewhere. Does anyone have a suggestion?
  • Likely https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/word_field_codes

    Very unlikely to be related to the Zotero version
  • Yes, that is in fact the problem. I do not know how or why the show field codes option was selected in Word on the computer I was using, but unchecking it solved the display issue right away.

    Thank you, I appreciate your help. In the demo itself, I was able to show the citation/bibliography functionality in Google Docs, which is exciting and new, so it was all fine in the end.
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