Page numbers do not show in citations in the Annual Review of Anthropology style

Hi, I am having a problem with the style for Annual Review of Anthropology, which I have just downloaded. I have noticed that the page numbers do not show in the in-text citations - (Chok 2001) instead of (Chok 2001, p.54) as it should be. The same problem happens in alternative styles I could use (Annual Review of Sociology, Annual Reviews Author-date 2018). I have opened the style in Zotero Style Editor to modify it, and search for indications on how to proceed in the CSL 1.0.1 Specifications page. However, I am unable to find any useful information on change the style so the pages appear in the citations. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks and regards.
  • Where are you entering the pages? Inyour zotero Library or in the Word plugin?
  • In the word plugin. They appear with other Styles such as Chicago Manual 17th, etc. Btw, I use Word 2019 on Mojave. Tx in advance for any useful info.
  • edited October 24, 2018
    When adding a citation in text with the Word plugin, you can click on the citation (the name) again and add a page.
  • I assume they're doing this correctly in the Word plugin. The style isn't set up to display those (they're not included in the style guide, but do show up in published articles). We can fix that.
  • Yes. Just noticed. On it.
  • edited October 24, 2018
    We've updated the parent style which will now allow to add locators as outlined above.
  • Thanks so much. This is really helpful! You have saved me hours of hard work in trying to modify the style.
  • All it we did was to add this group containing the "locator" label and variable into the citation part (in-text) of the style.
    You can see the differences here:
  • I have noticed a small issue in the modified style for Annual Review of Anthropology, which I am unable to fix by myself: the authors are ordered alphabetically in a citation. For instance I want to have ( Johnson & Woodhouse 2018, p. 3, see also Rus & Rus 2014, and Friebel & Guriev 2006 on Europe), but what I get is (and Friebel & Guriev 2006 on Europe; Johnson & Woodhouse 2018, p. 3; see also Rus & Rus 2014). Is there a way to fix this problem? I am unable to modify the style all by myself. Thanks very much!
  • Can you please point out the passage in the citation guidelines of both the Annual Review of Anthropology style and the Annual Reviews style where that is said?
    If that's not included, could you point out an example in papers (in .pdf) of both publications?
  • Thanks for your quick response. I cannot find detailed infos about the reference style for this journal in the website. They only provide a .ens style for Endnote which does not work on Zotero. Below are some examples of citations from papers published in Annual Review of Anthropology.
    (Castells & Portes 1989, p. 11; see also Chen 2012).
    (Neilson & Rossiter 2005, p. 6; see also Masco 2014).
    (Bellman 1984, Jones 2011, Mahmud 2012b; cf. Haynes 2013)
    (Throop 2010, pp. 155–56; cf. Nozawa 2012)
    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • "In multiple citations, references should appear in either chronological or alphabetical sequence throughout. If inconsistent, alpha order will be applied in copyediting."
  • Thanks for the information. I shall keep the alphabetical order. Best wishes
  • Though I assume the albhabetical order is only when there is no good reason to sort otherwise, as in your citation. You can disable the automated sorting of in-text citation for individual citations (such as this one) on the left of the quick format bar, by uncheckign "Keep Sources sorted" see
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