Zotero plugin is corrupt


I am struggling with a corrupt plugin from the Zotero site. Screenshot: https://ibb.co/j7Xb80

I have a fresh install of Windows and Firefox and was trying to connect Zotero for Firefox to MS Word without installing Zotero Standalone.

I first installed the Firefox Zotero plugin successfully.

From here: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_installation
I followed a link here: https://www.zotero.org/support/zotero_4.0_for_firefox_word_processor_plugin_installation
and clicked the plugin link for Windows: https://download.zotero.org/integration/Zotero-WinWord-Plugin-3.5.6.xpi

Firefox's plugin manager gave the following error:
"The add-on downloaded from this site could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt."

Can others repro? Could a working plugin be provided?

  • edited October 19, 2018
    Both of the pages you link to say something to this extent:
    Zotero 5.0 and Zotero Standalone 4.0 users: Word processor plugins are included with Zotero, and can be installed from the Zotero preferences. Plugins on this page are for Zotero for Firefox only.
    Edit: missed part of your post: there is no Zotero for Firefox anymore. There is a _connector_ for Zotero for Firefox, but you can't use any word processor integration without installing Zotero (Standalone)
  • I've removed the 4.0 plugin page.
  • Thank you both.

    Seems like I have to download the standalone version in order to connect to Word.

    If I may bug you for a bit of advice -- my hesitation with standalone is that I have an enormous Zotero library and am working on a temporary machine with limited local storage. Is there any way around having to sync my huge online library? For example, can I avoid sync'ing attachments for just this machine?

  • The standalone version is no different in that regard — Zotero has always run locally on your computer. Zotero for Firefox showed up in a pane in your browser, but it was still a local program with a local database.

    But yes, you can set file syncing to "as needed" in the Sync pane of the preferences to avoid syncing all files to a given computer. You can also choose which libraries to sync from the same pane.
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