affichage dans Zotero

pour plus de facilités de repérage dans le logiciel, j'aimerais afficher tous les auteurs de mes publications référencées, et non pas uniquement le premier suivi de et al. Est-ce possible? si oui, comment puis-je faire?
  • No, sorry. Not at this time.

    @dstillman Is that an option that could possibly be added? It's a request that happens infrequently but often enough to be non-negligible.
  • It doesn't really work conceptually, because there could be, say, 1,000 authors for a paper. It's the same reason we don't have a column for tags or collections in the middle pane.

    But we could decide it was still worth it and have an option to list all authors up to a certain number of authors or a certain string length cutoff. That would be slower to generate, though, so we would also need to evaluate the performance implications.
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