Patents cited from Chrome, and patent Field discrepancies

edited October 16, 2018
As of a few days ago, Chrome doesn't appear to recognize patents cited at,, or Firefox still appears to work as expected. See for example:,975,671.PN.&OS=PN/9,975,671&RS=PN/9,975,671

Also (and unrelated to the browser) there are a number of field discrepancies between these sources, e.g. Classifications from espacenet are in 'Extra', while they show up in a separate Note if cited from Google Patents (imo Extra would be preferred). Also the Title field from USPTO has 'United States Patent: xxxxxxx' while the others don't (this appears to be appended by the translator, as the Title field from USPTO does not include this bit).

Notwithstanding format differences in the actual data fields as presented by each source, it would be great to standardize their ingestion by Zotero to whatever degree possible.

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