Citation style for journal is incorrect
I am trying to use Zotero with the "Archival Science" citation style, but it seems that it's incorrect; inline citations do not include page numbers although they should use (Author Year, p. pageNumber). How can I update the style? It seems to link to the main Springer Author-Date format (
bwiernikThat page number is referring to the specific page number you are quoting in the text, not the full page range of the article. If you are quoting a specific page, Add a page number in the Add/Edit Citation window for it to appear:
jasonlustigThanks, I was actually doing that but it appears that the “location” field wasn’t being used in this style at all, when it should have been. I ended up modifying the style code to include the page numbers as needed.
adamsmithI think they understand that -- Springer author-date doesn't print locators -- I think we can probably add that to the generic style without causing much in terms of unforeseen consequences.
bwiernikYeah, its absence seems like more of an oversight than anything.
jasonlustigGreat. By the way I posted my modified style at
adamsmithwe just merged the update globally, so that'll be available for all Zotero users within the hour (the timestamp will change on the Springer style, not the archival science one)
jasonlustigSo you're updating the main springer style?
adamsmithwe did, yes