Setting Interview style

I'm trying to create a separate style for Interview references. But any time I try to add a line like

the Zotero style editor rejects it. This happens even if I copy in all the content for one of the else-if elements that works (type=thesis). Is it possible there is some setting in our style metadata that means I can't define a style for interviews? What else could it be?

Also, what would be the correct name variable to call a name entered in the "Interview with" field? I can see "interviewer" in the CSL documentation, but not "interviewee" or similar
  • If you want to post snippets of code, please use: <code>asdf</code>

    If you want to share a whole style, please use Hastebin, upload and post a link here.
  • “Interview with” is mapped to CSL ‘author’.
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