Request for ArchA citation style
Hi !
I split my initial post into two now:
I am using the ArchA citation style and would like to ask if somebody would be able to come up with a proper csl file for that as I already tried and failed.
(See for examples).
The style is contained in the biblatex-archaeology latex package.
Right now I am using BetterBibTex a export a BibLatex file to Lxy and then using Lyx to generate a pdf using the Archa citation style as this seems to be the only way of getting it more-or-less done but that's not super cool.
Greets from Austria :)
I split my initial post into two now:
I am using the ArchA citation style and would like to ask if somebody would be able to come up with a proper csl file for that as I already tried and failed.
(See for examples).
The style is contained in the biblatex-archaeology latex package.
Right now I am using BetterBibTex a export a BibLatex file to Lxy and then using Lyx to generate a pdf using the Archa citation style as this seems to be the only way of getting it more-or-less done but that's not super cool.
Greets from Austria :)
As this is still needed and missing as it seems, let me provide the details required as per the link provided above:
1. As far as I know no useable Archa Style is available right now
2. Should be this thread right now :)
3. Link to the style documentation:
It seems as there is some github page for the styles for direct use with biber (or the like)
Some description on how somebody implemented it for biblatex (as it seems):
There is no "in-text" citation as the style uses footnotes.
The authors name is required to be written in "Kapitälchen" which was translated to "small caps" by google translate dunno if this is the proper term.
The footnotes would look like:
MARES 2001, 78-79.
MARES 2001, 77f.
MARES 2001, 77ff.
In the bibliography it would look like: (again the authors name in small caps)
J. L. Campbell, O.K. Pedersen, The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, Comparative Political Studies 40/3, 2007, 307-332.
MARES 2001
I. Mares, Firms and the welfare state: When, why and how does social policy matter to employers? In: P. A. HALL, D. S. SOSKICE (Hrsg.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York 2001, 184-213.
Hab mich mal rangesetzt und den Stil gemacht. Könnt ihn austesten und mir sagen, was evtl. noch nicht ganz passt.
Thanks for the effort :)
As far as I could see for now, the Title is written in Italic and the author is not in small caps as should be.
Zotero seems to do some kind of "auto-translate" so for many authors it starts to do something like that:
Allmeier u. a. 2016
Allmeier u. a., Erinnerungsorte in Bewegung: zur Neugestaltung des Gedenkens an Orten nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen, Bielefeld, 2016 (Architekturen, 28).
It should print the first three authors and then "et al." and there should be no comma after the city. The series title as "Architekturen 28" should be after the title.
If citing a book section it should look like this (which is pretty close to what is there already):
What is there right now:
Doßmann, Wenzel, Wenzel 2007
A. Doßmann, J. Wenzel, K. Wenzel, Barackenlager. Zur Nutzung einer Architektur der Moderne. Auszug aus dem Lager. Bielefeld, 2007, 220–245.
how it should look like (as it seems to me)
Doßmann, Wenzel, Wenzel 2007
A. Doßmann, J. Wenzel, K. Wenzel, Barackenlager. Zur Nutzung einer Architektur der Moderne. In: Auszug aus dem Lager. Bielefeld 2007, 220–245.
1. Title in italics: fixed
2. Authors small-caps: fixed
3. u.a. to et al. for german locale: fixed
4. et al rules for footnotes: set to 4/3
5. book, comma before year-date: removed
6. book series: it already does this. You need to enter the data in the right fields
7. Dossmann (chapter): fixed italics, year-date comma
Update your styles through the preferences or download the latest from the repository
I would also like to use ArchA citation style – but since the guidelines have recently been updated, the old formatting does not fit any more.
Here is the style documentation:
ISSN 0003-8008, ISSN Online 1816-2959
In-text citation:
(Campbell, Pedersen 2007)
(Mares 2001)
Campbell, Pedersen 2007
J. L. Campbell, O. K. Pedersen, The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, Comparative Political Studies 40/3, 2007, 307–332. doi: 10.1177/0010414006286542.
Mares 2001
I. Mares, Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: P. A. Hall, D. Soskice (Eds.), Varieties of Capitalism. The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. New York 2001, 184–213.
Link to example paper:
New formatting is not yet in use in the last published issue.
How the existing CSL style format should change:
The best solution to include all changes would be to go through the style documentation from the lower half of page 4, after the headline "Citation", until the end of the document. (It would not be sufficient to base a CSL only on the citation examples above since there are many additional rules not reflected in the examples.)
Help would be very much appreciated.
All the Best from Vienna!
Just checking in—would anyone happen to have time to look into the Archaeologia Austriaca CSL issue I mentioned above? Archaeologia Austriaca is a very interesting peer-reviewed journal, so it would be great to have a working citation style available.
I’d really appreciate any help or suggestions. Thanks in advance!