A new style Request for Frontiers in Bioscience
a style is requested for Frontiers in Bioscience.
I checked citationstyles.org and zotero.
Here are the sample citations
B Karl, P Thomas: Molecular and cellular adaptation of muscle in response to exercise. Physiol Rev 23, 520-535 (1995)
B Marks, P Goll. Skeletal muscle adaptability: significance for metabolism and performance. In: Handbook of Physiology, Sect 10 Skeletal muscle. Eds: LD Peachey, RH Norbert, SR Finn Bethesda, Maryland (1981)
Intext citation (1).
Here is the desired style definitions in Endnote and Bibhex from the Journal.
EndNote styles for Frontiers in Bioscience can be downloaded at
BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience can be downloaded at
I checked citationstyles.org and zotero.
Here are the sample citations
B Karl, P Thomas: Molecular and cellular adaptation of muscle in response to exercise. Physiol Rev 23, 520-535 (1995)
B Marks, P Goll. Skeletal muscle adaptability: significance for metabolism and performance. In: Handbook of Physiology, Sect 10 Skeletal muscle. Eds: LD Peachey, RH Norbert, SR Finn Bethesda, Maryland (1981)
Intext citation (1).
Here is the desired style definitions in Endnote and Bibhex from the Journal.
EndNote styles for Frontiers in Bioscience can be downloaded at
BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience can be downloaded at
Impact factor 2.3
journal - italic,
extra hard return between refs.
We're able to use those to identify close matches and significantly reduce coding time.
Here you go. The journal is to be italicized.
In-text citation:
1. J.L. Campbell, O.K. Pedersen: The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Compar Polit Stud 40(3), 307–332 (2007)
2. I. Mares: Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. Eds: P.A. Hall, D. Soskice, New York, Oxford University Press, 184–213 (2001)
the result is almost good, except for a few quirks.
1. It needs double spacing.
2. It adds a space to the publisher.
3. I am not sure how it behaves on all types of references.
It was very difficult to edit CSL without the instructions.
I would appreciate if someone could make the proper fixed style - I will need it for the final journal submission.