Quick Query: Possible to Create Multiple (Sub-) Collections at Once?

Hi all,

First post, just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of Zotero. Keep up the excellent work!

Just got a quick question that's been niggling me. Is it possible to create multiple sub-collections - or collections - at once? Like in the way when one is creating a tag, they can create multiple tags at the same time through pressing shift+enter.

At the moment I need to keep pressing the 'New Collection' button and inputting the new collection name into the dialogue box to add a single collection and right-clicking that collection and selecting 'New Subcollection' and inputting the new subcollection into that dialogue box that pops up to create a new subcollection. Doing this for every new collection/sub-collection becomes very time-consuming.

Apologies if I'm missing something obvious - is there no way to create multiple (sub-) collections at once without going through the dialogue box in a similar manner to the way that one can create multiple tags at once? If that's not possible, then I'd respectfully request that the feature be added to future releases.

Many thanks,

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