Zotero is currently unavailable

Zotero on my ubuntu 16.04, firefox 62.0 suddenly stopped working.

I have Zotero 5.0.55 and firefox zotero connector 5.0.41 installed. I also added zutilo, zotfile, lyz, zotero scholar citation, zotero better bibtex, zotero libreOffice to Zotero.

Everything used to work smoothly. But since last Friday, zotero connector said "Xotero is currently unavailable". And there is no connection to The disconnection happened the next day after I added the above addons to Zotero. I do not have antivirus software installed. I disabled adblock but it did not resolve the problem. My ubuntu is connected to internet via cable.

I then tried using macbook safari to open via campus wireless, but there was no connection.

I tried to use Andriod firefox on my cellphone, using wifi at home, and again there was no connection.

Any suggestions?

  • We can't really tell you more than what's in the support page — this is an issue with your computer (proxy settings, security software, some other program claiming that port, etc.), so you'll need to debug it on your end.
  • And, obviously, you should disable all third-party extensions in Zotero for debugging.

    You can also use netstat -pln to confirm that Zotero is, in fact, bound to that port.
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