attachments not syncing with group

I have a library of 100 research papers. I created a private group and dragged to library into it on my Zotero app. All of the information in the viewer came over but most the attachments do not open. I get File Not Found.

When I check the group on the the web site all the attachments are there.

Any thoughts?
  • Can you actually access the files in the online library or do you just see the attachment items? I'm guessing the latter, which means they're not there either.

    In your local Zotero, for the attachments that won't open in the target library, do you see a filled blue dot in the middle pane or an empty one in the source library? Depending on your sync settings, Zotero may not automatically download all files originally added elsewhere until you try to open them, and I believe right now if you try to drag an attachment with an undownloaded file to a group library, the file will be missing in the target library (which I think can reasonably be considered a bug, but that's just how it works at the moment).
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