temporary citation format in Word

Hi Everyone:
I have not used Zotero in a little while. I went in today and added a citation from Zotero to a Word document (using APA style) and it inserted the citation in temporary citation format.
does anyone know why a citation would insert in a temporary format and how to resolve it?
  • What exactly do you mean by “temporary format”? If you open the Document Preferences window in the Zotero tab in Word, there is a check box to enable/disable automatic updates. You might have disabled updates when a pop up window offered the option after a slow update (e.g., in a long document).
  • Hi!
    When I insert a citation, it displays the entire raw record for the citation in squiggly brackets "{}"
    If i unlink the citations, they display in proper format. Is this the way CWYW works now? The enable/disable updates is checked.

    here is a partial example of how it looks in Word (the rest of the display is the entire record as stored in Zotero):
    ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"3owe8tEM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Oyejide and Oke, 1995)","plainCitation":"(Oyejide and Oke
  • No, you're just seeing https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/word_field_codes. Don't unlink citations.
  • alt-F9 worked perfectly in Word to display the formated text rather than the field codes. Thank you!
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