skip message "import into new collection"

Is there somewhere a settings flag/option to skip the message "import into new collection"? I never use it, my tags/saved searches should do the trick. Saves me a switch to Zotero and a mouse click with every citation import.
  • No, sorry. I don't think that's going to happen, either -- importing bibliographic formats isn't designed to be the main way to get data into Zotero, so it's not a workflow that'll see work going into optimizing it.
  • Ok. What's the main way? Automatic from pdf-metadata from Google Scholar? A disadvantage from those imports is that they leave the Abstracts and Tags out. Or is there a better way?
  • typically via web importer

    where are you getting the bibliographic data from in the first place?
  • I usually use the Citation button from the web page itself. But all publishers have their own way of hiding/naming that button.. Usually I download the pdf as well, import. Those metadata provided via the pdf is in some fields better (and in other fields worse) than the publishers metadata. So I merge the two entries. Takes some work though.. But the connector button seems to yield in a pretty complete entry. I'll try that for a while, is much faster.
    Thank you
  • edited September 24, 2018
    Yes, the Zotero Connector button for your web browser is designed to generally import the best version of the data no matter the website.
  • Works great. Two questions:
    - Is there a keyboard shortcut available to activate the Connector?
    - Are you considering to support more formats than solely comma separated? In the option to add tags.
  • Is there a keyboard shortcut available to activate the Connector?
    Cmd-Shift-S/Ctrl-Shift-S in Firefox. In Chrome you may need to assign it from the extensions pane.
    Are you considering to support more formats than solely comma separated? In the option to add tags.
    No. Why? Tags can have spaces, so space isn't an option.
  • Tnx.
    Tags are not always exported, although sometimes available on website (typically below the abstract). And not always comma separated. Sometimes semicolon, sometimes unknown (like here It would help to be able to add those through the connector

    Actually, that also goes for regular copying/pasting tags. I use Zutilo for that, but I have to reorder the tags in Word first, replacing e.g. comma's for an eol. (enter key). Would be nice if Zotero would accept several separators: comma, semicolon, tab. Obviously not space..
    Or is this a Zutilo-question?
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