Linked files cannot be located

edited September 17, 2018
Hello all,

I use Zotero (version 5.0.55) with linked file attachments, with the files stored within onedrive. I have set the relative path to the root folder of onedrive, and zotfile automatically copes files to this folder. This used to work, but now for some reason it cannot find the files. When I reset the relative path, I receive a message that 3 files within the new directory, when there should be over 300.

Does anyone have any ideas what could have caused this or what I else I can check. The files are there. Do I have to go through all 300 files to manually link them?

  • Start by using Zutilo to check where Zotero is actually looking for the files compared to where they are. I'm suspecting you moved around something. You can also use Zutilo to batch edit link file paths.
  • I did move things. I recently changed my cloud service from Googledrive to Onedrive, but it has worked since that transition. I use both a mac and a PC for my work. I found that on the Mac version, there was a discrepancy between what was showing within the base directory box under the Advance tab and the baseattachment path setting under the advanced config. And before you ask, I did apply the changes so I guess they should been the same. This fixed the issue with the mac. However, this problem does not appear to the case with the PC version, as they match. I will check out Zutilo and let you know how I get on.
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