Citing Wikipedia with Zotero Chrome plugin

Hey there! Thank you for having a look at this topic!

I'd like to cite Wikipedia articles and I'd like to have the convenience of the chrome plug-in. However, the entry created by the plugin looks as follows (for biblatex):

title = {Wikipedia:Citing sources with Zotero},
rights = {Creative Commons Attribution-{ShareAlike} License},
url = {},
shorttitle = {Wikipedia},
abstract = {Zotero is a free and open source program which you can use to easily add references to any Wikipedia article. This essay will walk you through installing and setting up Zotero, generating citation information, and inserting it into a Wikipedia article. For general information on creating references and citing sources in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Citing sources.},
booktitle = {Wikipedia},
urldate = {2018-09-08},
date = {2017-07-07},
langid = {english},
note = {Page Version {ID}: 789452956},
file = {Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\user\\Zotero\\storage\\AX2EUZ7B\\index.html:text/html}

Wikipedia, however, recommends the following:

@misc{ wiki:xxx,
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Wikipedia:Citing sources with Zotero --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2017",
url = "",
note = "[Online; accessed 8-September-2018]"

Is there a way to have Zotero export Wikipedia pages as suggested by Wikipedia?

Thank you very much in advance and have a nice day!
  • Wikipedia's bibtex for recommended citation is just a recommendation and there isn't a particular reason for Zotero to mimic that exact format (which honestly looks pretty bad to me), so "no" for your specific question.

    That said, if you want something closer to that recommended format, export to bibtex, not biblatex, from Zotero.
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