How to avoid single author names to be malformated?

edited September 7, 2018
I have a bibtext file looking like this:
author = {Frayn KN}
author = {Soerjomataram I, de Vries E, Pukkala E, Coebergh JW}

My CSL author macro is looking like this:

<macro name="author">
<group suffix="">
<names variable="author">
<name sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " name-as-sort-order="all" />

When there is more than one author, everything looks as I intended it:
"Soerjomataram I, Pukkala E, de Vries E: Excess of cancers in Europe: a study of eleven major cancers amenable to lifestyle change."

But when there is just a single author name, this happens:
"KN, Frayn: Adipose tissue and the insulin resistance syndrome"

What can I do about this?

  • This doesn't seem like a Zotero question (pandoc maybe?) but your bibtex is incorrect. Authors should be entered in the form
    {Firstname Lastname and Firstname Lastname}

    Maybe the bibtex parser is able to infer correctly that you have this wrong with multiple authors, but you shouldn't rely on that.
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