How to input these data in Zotero to produce this MLA Works Cited result?

If i have this MLA works cited entry,

“94 Meetings.” Parks and Recreation, created by Greg Daniels and Michael Schur, performance by Amy Poehler, season 2, episode 21, Deedle-Dee Productions and Universal Media Studios, 2010.

May i know which are the fields in Zotero should I insert the data of "created by ..." or "performance by..." and "season 2" ?

Another entry, a digitised journal article as below,

Bentley, Phyllis. “Yorkshire and the Novelist.” The Kenyon Review, vol. 30, no. 4, 1968, pp. 509-22. JSTOR,

Where should I input JSTOR data in Zotero which is the organisation that digitised the article? and the original published date "1968"?

Thank you.
  • For the second item, enter JSTOR in the Library Catalog field. This will get filled in automatically when you import using the Zotero button in your browser. For the original date, enter this at the top of Extra:
    Original Date: 1968

    For the first item, Zotero/CSL doesn’t currently have the best support for diverse media creator types, show creator and actor. To get these cited, enter all of the names as “Director” (this is just treated as “Author”). Then, either add the “performance by” bits before the person’s first name in your Zotero library or manually add those after you’ve finished writing and unlinked your document from Zotero.
  • For 1. I don't think we can do this level of detail on different contributor roles in citation styles I'm afraid. I believe you can get the episode/season number by including that whole information (season 2, episode 21) into the Episode number field in Zotero.

    For 2. put JSTOR in the library catalog field. You'll also want "include URL" checked in the Cite tab of Zotero.
  • Re JSTOR -- 1968 should just be entered as the regular date, though. There is no more recent publication date for JSTOR entries that's ever cited (or even available afaik)
  • Thank you bwiernik and adamsmith for those suggestions, which I total agreed these are best solutions for the time being.

    For my case is more complicated. my university adopt Zotero to organised our school references list. Then each school will later pull the required set of references for individual work from the master Zotero sources. Due to university using DITA xml for all it process, they decided to use Endnote XML as export items option. So which ever choice of fields I used to input data in Zotero, i have to ensure they are being exported properly into Endnote XML.

    But anyways, I love Zotero.
  • Zotero can import and export Endnote XML.
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