Access to file attachments only for group admins


we have set up a large group library, and we would like to allow students to use the group as members, so that the group library is synced with their local zotero installations.

The problem is that there are full text PDF files attached to many items that can not be allowed to be accessed by just anybody who asks for the group membership. At the same time, we would like to keep these files as attachments in the library, since the admin group needs to work with them. An option would be to have two groups (one with PDF attachments, one without), but we'd have to perform any update to the library twice.

Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment to restrict attachment access to group admins. If it is not too much work for the zotero dev team, we would really like to have such a feature in the group settings...

Thanks a lot in advance!!
  • We have the same issue in our group. Any progress on this issue from the dev team?
  • This was rapported in 2018 and I was wondering if the problem have had any progress. What is the reccomended way to solve this 4 years later?
  • Nothing new. I don't see a lot of options to do this, but
    1) You could have a public closed group and just don't have anyone as a member who shouldn't access files -- they'd still be able to view the library online. This is how we run my team's public library.
    2) If this is a small number of files, you could encrypt the files individually (e.g. using Adobe or MS Office) so that people could technically access them, but not open them.
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