Is there a way to know how many cites were actually used, apart from the uncited ones?

edited August 28, 2018
I create bibliography with 320+ items and I actually cited ~240-280 of them. The rest of used bibliography remains uncited.
GOST demands to have all sources that influenced the author to be included even if not refered directly.

Is there a way to find out the exact number of actually cited sources by Zotero?
  • Make a new document, and set a style, citing one reference at the top. Copy and paste your entire old document, into the new document (except the bibliography). (You can also remove the single cite you added in the new document unless you're sure it's also cited in your old document.) Then generate a bibliography in the new document. See how many references were added.
  • Easiest method is to extract the citations from the paper using and count them there.
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