Error ID 2128232893 - citation is undefined

Sometimes, the error appears and sometimes I can get around it by deleting the footnote and attempting with the picker to insert the citation from my library (this reference appears in bold), but it does not seem to work (i.e., the error keeps appearing until) I pick the previously cited reference (which is not in bold). That is not always an option, though. Then, I have to say "Yes" to all the modifications that pop up in text boxes. What is going on?
  • Go into Zotero Preferences -> Cite -> Word Processors and reinstall the plugin. Changes in Word 16.9 and later broke insertion of certain types of citations with the Word plugin. We updated the plugin and for most users it should have installed automatically, but if you have changed your profile directory or similar, you may still be on the old plugin version.
  • Is it as simple as clicking on “reinstall MS add on”? I did that and it still fails to update cites. I guess a related question I have is how do I truly uninstall the Word integration add on, and then reinstall the newest one?
  • You might need to reinsert citations previously inserted as they are likely corrupt and causing issues. See the debugging broken documents steps.
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