footnote numbering

Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me if zotero can accommodate the following:

I need my thesis chapters to be in continuous pagination but my faculty requires each chapter to start with new footnote numbers. I hope zotero and accommodate this!!
  • edited August 20, 2018
    It seems simpler to me to just create different documents for each chapter, then combine them as PDFs at the very end.* The individual page numbers can be set to a number of than 1 (=same as previous chapter) for each file in Word (and probably similarly in other word processors).

    This also has the advantage of keeping your files shorter so they run faster in Zotero/Word.


    I'm unaware of anything in Zotero that would allow this (distinguishing sections of a document isn't generally supported I don't think), but maybe someone will correct me.

    Another option to try, though, would be to make Word restart the numbering of footnotes in each section of your document, and then let Zotero automatically continue that based on Word's settings. I have no idea if that would work, but it's possible.


    [*This will work best if you're using a purely footnoted style, rather than a footnote+bibliography style. In that case, you'll need to also generate a full bibliography, by combining all of the chapters, then copy that bibliography, as plain text after removing/converting fields, to a separate document. It will still work, just a couple more steps.]
  • Unless you're using a citation style that uses cross-references between footnote numbers (such as "supra note 3") you can set up Word to start footnote numbering from one in every section. Zotero doesn't touch footnote numbers at all, it just uses Word's native functionality. Details depend on your exact Word version and are easy enough to google.
  • Im using Chicago 16th full note so i guess it should work. thanks for your suggestion, i'll try that!
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