Moving Notes Disappears Them

This feels trivial, but I can't find an answer on my own in the forums or the doco: What's the expected behavior when dragging-and-dropping a note from one record to another? In a search results view I moved two notes from one record to an adjacent one but the notes disappeared. Ctrl+Z didn't bring them back and I can't find them elsewhere in my library.

iMac with Sierra, Zotero 5.0.54
  • It's more likely that you're dragging them out of the item to be standalone notes. You'll see a horizontal line when that's going to happen — what you want to see is the background of the parent item changing color. Note that, currently, you have to actually drag on top of the parent item. If you just drag among another expanded item's child items, you'll create a standalone note (though that should be fixed).

    To find the ones you've moved, you can search by text or add the Item Type column to the middle pane and look for notes.
  • Right on, there they are. Many thanks! I don't know what I would do without Zotero. (Other than have a huge mess on my hands.)
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