Publisher & Location Fields for Journal Articles

I am currently weighing up whether to use Zotero or Mendeley as my primary citation manager (moving from EndNote 8X), and I've hit a bit of a roadblock with Zotero: there doesn't seem to be a field for Publisher or Publication Location when adding journal articles. Is there an option to add those fields, or does Zotero simply not support it?

Also, is there a way to continuously autosync from Mendeley to Zotero (Mendeley can auto-import but not the other way around)?

Thank you.
  • You can hack them in if you absolutely have to, but could I start by asking why you want that information?

    Adding them will cause all sorts of trouble with citation styles, which don't expect them and produce incorrect output where they exist (you'll likely see that with Mendeley).
  • As for continuous import, you can manually reimport from Mendeley (unless you've upgraded to a version where they're encrypting the database) and Zotero should import only new items and overwrite any previously imported items. It's not something you can set up to run automatically. (Honestly, I imagine part of the reason Mendeley has continuous import is that even people who used Mendeley often wanted to use Zotero's web saving functionality, which is much better than any other tool. There's just not that much reason to go in the other direction continuously.)
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