Cannot Import .bib, or Retrieve Metatdata for PDF

When adding a new PDF to my collection, I cannot make a parent item unless I manually create one and enter all the info by hand.

I have tried opening a .bib file, retrieving metatdata with the right click menu option, as well as the file --> import option.

The file --> import option stalls at the first dialogue box (click on "Next >" button results in no actions).

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Zotero 5.0.54 on a Windows 10 PC.
  • What exactly happens when you add a PDF or use Retrieve Metadata for PDF? Can you provide a Debug ID for one of those?
  • All that happens is that the progress window stays open and shows no progress. I'm guessing its getting hung up at the same place the fiel --> import is?

    I have never done a debug ID but i'll take a look and try to figure it out.
  • Here is the debug ID: D80271961
  • database disk image is malformed
    Your database is corrupted. (Do you by any chance have your Zotero database in a cloud storage folder or on a network drive?)

    In your case, you can try resetting translators from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences and then checking database integrity.

    If that's not sufficient, you can try the DB Repair Tool.
  • edited August 14, 2018
    Ah, I see. Thanks for help diagnosing that. The DB Repair Tool seems to have worked.

    Yes, I do have my "Zotero" folder in a synced google drive folder. I see that is ill advised now, but I have been doing it succssfully for at least a year. I suppose I'll look into alternative options for backing up my library.

    Thanks again.
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