Is it possible to save all the search results in one go?

When searching on google scholar would it be possible to enter in a search term and then save all of the results to Zotero in one shot?

Or is it only possible to do it Page by page (so like 10 articles at a time)

I am doing metadata research and being able to save entire search results would be incredibly helpful
  • No, Google scholar does not allow that. See also

    If you try to do this page-by-page you will very quickly find yourself locked out of google scholar.
  • Thank you so much!
  • Do you know of a way I can download multiple articles conveniently?

    It seems as though in google scholar I would have to
    a) Save all the items to my library manually
    b) Select all items in the library manually
    c) Export the citations to Zotero
    Which is a lot of manual work.
  • Web of Science, PubMed, and ProQuest all have larger export features.

    If you need Google Scholar, you can use the Publish or Perish program for some purposes (forward citation searches). I don’t recommend Google Scholar as a general tool for systematic reviews searches, as it yields a very high rate of false positives compared to other databases.
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