unable to sync files with Yandex.disk via WebDAV

edited August 7, 2018

I tried to set up the WebDAV with yandex disk. It created the "zotero" folder, but cannot sync any files in that folder. After a long time, it showed the error message "Your WebDAV server returned an internal error."

I think my settings are right. I tried WinSCP to connect yandex disk via WebDAV and works well. So, does it mean there may be some problems with Zotero and yandex disk?

The document of webdav support in yandex disk is https://yandex.com/support/disk/webdav.html
  • That would be an HTTP 500 error from your WebDAV provider. That's an unspecified error from them and not something we could help with.
  • Thanks for reply. I give up too. Not sure what happens.
  • I’d recommend switching to a different WebDAV provider. Here is a list of free WebDAV providers: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/webdav_services
  • Thanks. I do switched to magentacloud with 10 GB free space. I think it is not only my issue with Yandex disk. The initial connection is successful, but cannot sync any files. Strange problem. Hopefully, this may save some time for the other person coming across the same issue.
  • Like woodfly, I've been facing the same problem for about a month from now.
    Zotero's sync with webdav from Yandex is not working anymore. It's a pity because it was rather stable compared to others.
    Let's hope that this will be back soon!
  • edited October 23, 2018
    For the convenience of people having the issue (@siseni), I can confirm that this issue is fully resolved now after I reported the issue to yandex disk. I tried the latest Zotero and had no problem syncing files to Yandex Disk via WebDAV.
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