Can't seem to get Bookmarket working in Chrome mobile for Android

Hi There,

I have zotero 5.0 stand alone working in Linux 18.05.

However, when I try to add a new item from my mobile device using chrome on android, it says on the mobile device its "saving item..." but the item never seems to appear in the stand alone version of Zotero.

The steps I took are shown below:

1.) Go to the webpage
2.) Start typing save as Zotero
3.) Select the bookmarklet when it appears
4,) I then get a message box that says saving item
5.) But this item never appears in the stand along version of Zotero?

Am I doing something wrong?

I also tried the same steps with firefox for android but it didn't work either.

  • First thing to check is if the items are saved to your online account (which is the only place the bookmarklet can save to from a mobile phone) and it's just not syncing.
    1) Save something as you outline above.
    2) Come back here and click on "My Library"
    3) Sort by "Date Added" and see if the item you just added appears at the top.

  • Hi there,

    Yes they appear in my library online so it must be a synching issue.

    Should the files synch automatically or is it something that needs to be done manually?

  • You need to have sync set up on your computer, but then it should be automatic, yes:
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